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The #Trust30 Day Challenge [Post 29]

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“Self-censorship is not just self-betrayal and self-abandonment (which would be bad enough), but soul-betrayal and betrayal of our Muse, out inner voice, our highest self.”

Too often we censor ourselves, our actions, and our work in hope or fear of what might happen if we otherwise don’t. What words would you write today, and what actions would you take, if you had nothing to fear, nothing to lose?

(Author: Tanner Christensen)

This is an interesting challenge and I’d love to read others’ remarks on the topic. In a way, we’re bringing to the forefront what it is that we really care about.  What makes us annoyed deep down inside? Which public official is being a pain in the ass? Where do we need to see change? And why the hell isn’t the A/C on in here?!

I’m always ticked off about various issues in technology policy and the lack of our progress in furthering the arts on both a national and international level.

The political machines and subsequent organizations that dictate policy are decades behind where we need to be — and seem to stifle innovation.

The National Endowment for the Arts exists, but we don’t have anywhere near as substantial an arts program like most other countries do.

American consumerism is another one, and I go forth subverting things like taking awe-inspiring trips to Costco. Also, have you seen Cake Boss? It’s incredible!

When consumerism and the media come together they produce dominant ideologies.  News outlets tell us what to care about while advertisements, sitcoms and box office movies tell us who to be.

I would love to dig deeper into these issues. I don’t feel much fear about doing so. This aspect, a liberal upbringing paired alongside a suburban naiveté has produced a brashness that occasionally gets me in trouble at dinner parties. Maybe this is where I should be taking pen to paper instead!

Any thoughts – what would you like to see me pick apart? Writing this is making me all fired up!

Read more of my daily responses
Read more about the #Trust30 Challenge