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I. The One-Off Life.

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This is what I know right now.


I’ve distanced myself from the things that were real at one point strictly in my mind, giving way to clarity within the 3-dimensional life I actually live. The difference between the truths of the world I wanted and the one I used to exist in reveals not unfortunate disconnect but restlessness in possibility.

The need to feed ourselves first and foremost on three core levels (physical, mental, emotional) supersedes the unfortunate trigger of release through self-destruction, despite who or whatever seems to (however subconsciously) enjoy getting in the way.

The time I thought I could do anything has been eclipsed by an era of consciousness and strategic ambition.

Although I never really understood the time and space of anything that needed to be, I’ve come to understand the true value of living. Some moments exist purely as a fleeting instant – a sparkly wink that either makes no mark or the greatest of all.  Your smile can give way to a fully-expressed circular completion of the moment that delivers an eternal yet simple verification of what is great.

My style of strife; my outwardly optimistic color wheel of a mood. Perception of time is a wound clock, curling and unfurling in it’s desire to drive forward with no real progress being made other than the intent to repeat itself of the same old foils and follies.

When you asked me nothing it made me sad. When you voiced no reason about why or what we’re doing here it made me increasingly locked out of something perhaps man-made but nonetheless a grand idea I’d like to (at some point) explore.

#1 Know the rules.  #2 Break the rules.

Clocks keep the world in sync. Yet we start again and start over, repeating each day without acknowledgement that the next one is new.

Repetition and habits make us strong and productive, boring and comfortable. The tie to a communal lifeline in any given second recollects imagery from (not only) bad movies, but the push-forward feeling of the dreams and desires we have that encourage us to move toward the acceptance of time. In this movement we dismiss our reconciled snapshots as quickly as we do the physical sentiment of the present.

What is boring for some may be thrilling to me. What is shiny and new to you may be old hat to us. The point of exchange and what we “do” as a result may or may not lead to change in how we perceive said things within it’s conceit of context.

Despite my greatest efforts I’m doing just fine. We climb in miniscule movements, unassuming yet subconsciously determined. We’re instilled with the strange driving chip that gets fed by lattes, Costco and strategic exercise. Its all we can do outside of being good to those around us. There is no reason to cower in the face of what’s great and good (and nearly right here) in the pursuit of achieving a greater purpose because of charlatan backchatter or self-imposed sentiment.

Our purpose is to Serve. And to Experience. And someday soon, Provide. How can I provide with resentment, not serving my tribe everything I’ve grown to experience and have fought for?

Perhaps the greater question in this quest is how we can do these three things without the pressures of the clock and dismissive moments done for the sake of doing.  How we can create our own powerful stories to share and that refine us. To create history by being wildly alive amongst our many connected worlds.