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An Intro

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Facebook and Twitter allow me to tell you what I’m doing, where I’m going, and how I’m feeling from almost any place at any time.

And anyone can see.

Brands aside, how does this new form of communication affect our relationships with others? It appears that we may be more connected yet becoming increasingly distanced from each other.

And by the way, who exactly are we talking to?

Is this an example of how we can use the internet to improve public discourse – or is it all banal chatter?

I’m beginning a series of long-form essays to explore answers to some of these questions. More to come.

2,221 thoughts on “An Intro”

  1. It’s mostly banal chatter. However it does keeps one loosely connected to all the things people we know are doing, people we don’t really want (or can) take the time to talk to, get together with or actually exchange something meaningful with.

    But it can do some things important like this: The LA Weekly has an article this week about how Facebook/Twitter helped defeat Prop. B, a solar panel boondoggle that lost by the slimmest of margins. So hooray for that.

    I actually like Facebook/Twitter because it gives potential competition something else to do instead of something meaningful like having a website that creates change. The sheep are self-medicating and I like sheep to stay off the road and outta my way!

    Your long-form essays should be quite interesting considering your web-related work and the fact you are a smart writer. Bring it on!

  2. It’s mostly banal chatter. However it does keeps one loosely connected to all the things people we know are doing, people we don’t really want (or can) take the time to talk to, get together with or actually exchange something meaningful with.

    But it can do some things important like this: The LA Weekly has an article this week about how Facebook/Twitter helped defeat Prop. B, a solar panel boondoggle that lost by the slimmest of margins. So hooray for that.

    I actually like Facebook/Twitter because it gives potential competition something else to do instead of something meaningful like having a website that creates change. The sheep are self-medicating and I like sheep to stay off the road and outta my way!

    Your long-form essays should be quite interesting considering your web-related work and the fact you are a smart writer. Bring it on!

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