The other night was quite windy in here Santa Monica. It was 4am and I was wide awake and totally spooked. I randomly posted how I was feeling to Twitter and noticed shortly thereafter that other west-siders were awake and acknowledging that they felt the same way.
This exchange comforted me somehow. It made me feel less neurotic about being freaked out by something so simple as wind.
It’s scary to think that everything I post is on record somewhere, but to participate I realize – like in a real world relationship – that it helps to open up.
I noticed that after posting more opinionated tweets or describing certain situations that my number of followers dramatically increased. Offering up stuff I was working on, like DJ mixes, helped too.
Make the experience personal and memorable and people will follow.
Just like the real world, the Twitterverse is full of amazing individuals who love to share their creations, thoughts and opinions.
Get to know your tweeples. Send them messages, read their blogs. You’ll become flattered by the types of people who follow you, and become inspired to offer more. It makes participation more meaningful than communicating aimlessly in an anonymous online world.
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