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The #Trust30 Challenge – Day 3

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Prompt: The world is powered by passionate people, powerful ideas, and fearless action. What’s one strong belief you possess that isn’t shared by your closest friends or family? What inspires this belief, and what have you done to actively live it?

(Author: Buster Benson)

I know that I’m a very passionate person and can occasionally have a powerful idea or two. I often get tripped up on the action side because I become concerned by logistics. “How will I keep a decent roof over my head if I pursue my passions?” “Los Angeles is expensive. How will I get by? Maybe I should move.”

As I’ve grown older, I’ve learned to let go of fear and work on my passions on the side. I do it humbly and without fear of failure or expectation of reward. Sure it’s safe and not as immersive as I’d like it to be, but it allows me to provide for myself. It also provides a kind of sense of purpose, identity, and possible opportunity for making a stronger contribution to society down the road. As opposed to just falling in line.

One very strong belief I’ve always had is believing in the possibilities. I retain a unwavering, blissful, and perhaps ignorant view that one can live beyond their wildest dreams by being open to the possibilities.

This belief was instilled in me at 10, when I was alone writing short essays and allowing myself to get lost in other worlds. It was me at 13, when I became obsessed with architecture and drew fantastical properties on huge sheets of paper across my bedroom walls with felt tip markers. It was me moving to Paris, one of the most creative cities in the world,  at 19 for a design job in an art department.

It was me two years ago, recording take after take in the basement of a radio station for hours on end in hopes that I’d be accepted as a DJ, while my friends were out enjoying the LA nightlife.  It was convincing my girlfriends from high school that we could move to London and make ourselves fashion designers, or blissfully get lost in the world the way we did on a dance floor.

I never did become a real writer (although I’m slowly coming back to that dream). I have a fascination with architecture to this day. I miss Paris all the time, and haven’t been to London since 1995. And the upper brass at the radio station looked the other way. But that’s life. And I’m probably better off now that I’ve parted ways with most of those party friends.

While my belief in the possibilities hasn’t faded, it’s certainly adjusted over time. I continue to pursue my passions on a path that’s been leveled by age and experience. And the most interesting part is that along the way I’ve become more fearless, more tactical, and more emblazoned than ever.

I try to break out at every opportune moment – for the possibilities.

It breaks my heart when I hit roadblocks. They seem constant, and render me feeling stuck or trapped in this world. At those moments, I look at the big picture and appreciate what I have by honoring myself, my accomplishments, and those around me who believe. I continue to pursue my passions in whatever capacity I can, even if it means staying up all night and coming into work bleary-eyed the next morning.

I’ve also come to realize that with the possibilities comes a sense of responsibility. We must give back somehow. Whatever the universe chooses to bestow upon me, I must somehow turn it into a gift for someone else.

Here’s how I live for the possibilities.

I very rarely say no. I’ll always take a meeting, jump on a call, be put to  task, take a class, or offer to help. I always listen. I do my best to show up, write back, be respectful, and live with honor for myself and those around me.

With that said, I’m not afraid to say no when that passion needs to be fed. Sometimes I can actually feel it coming out of my skin, and I know it’s time to get to work.

If it’s Saturday night and everyone’s out celebrating the weekend, I’ll stay home and work on my craft. I’ll write an essay, produce a podcast, or create a DJ mix. It’s personally more fulfilling that way.

It makes me feel great in the moment  – particularly under circumstances I can’t change. And continues to leave me open to all those wonderful possibilities.

Read more about the #Trust30 Challenge