If there’s one constant in history, it is that change will come. Today, things are evolving faster than ever before thanks to the extremely steady progression of technology. People’s lives today are very different than they were only ten years ago thanks to new tech. In the future, people’s lives may be altered even more radically due to the tech revolution picking up even more steam. With that in mind, below are ten ways people’s lives may change in ten years thanks to technological progress.
Your Car Will Drive You to Work
Driverless cars are coming, and there’s basically nothing that can stop them. Ford has suggested that it will complete its first “completely autonomous” vehicle by 2021. By ten years’ time, most of the vehicles on the road may be driverless.
You Will Print Most of Your Children’s Toys
Another big revolution in tech has come in the way of 3D printing. As 3D printers become cheaper, every household will have them. You’ll be able to print everything from food utensils to toys. It will cause so much change that Forbes has predicted that it could be very harmful to the retail industry.
Most of Your Mail Will Be Delivered by Drone
Although it may be bad news for postal workers, drones will certainly transform how we send and receive packages. Amazon Prime Air, Amazon’s drone delivery service, made its first delivery in 2016. In ten years, it’s likely that most, if not all, of your packages will be delivered by drone.
Virtual Reality Becomes More Prevalent
Virtual reality has been around since 1952 when a very early version of it was introduced called the “Sensorama.” It’s only recently, however, that big improvements in the technology have made it conceivable that soon everyone will have the ability to visit others in a virtual environment.
Surgeries Will Be Performed Remotely
Nanobots are being developed that will have the ability to be inserted inside the human body to perform intricate surgeries from within with tiny lasers. In ten years, surgery may more closely resemble video games played via a set of remote controls.
Most Drinking Water Will Come from the Ocean
Desalination has become viable as an alternative method for producing drinking water on a large scale. Many places plagued by drought may soon receive desalinated water piped in from the coasts.
Burglaries Will Become a Thing of the Past
Smart security systems are becoming so cheap that soon almost anyone who can afford a house will also be able to afford a smart security system. The use of wireless cameras, sensors, alarms and more may make burglarizing a home so difficult that most criminals may give up trying in ten years.
Half the World’s Brothels Will Be Robotic
Although the first US sex robot brothel was blocked by the Houston, Texas city council, other cities will surely allow them soon. With improvements in sex robot artificial intelligence and mechanics, robot brothels will probably begin to outnumber regular brothels.
Cancer Might Be Cured
A cancer vaccine was recently shown in tests to be 97 percent effective at eradicating cancerous tumors from mice. In ten years, this vaccine may be perfected for use by human cancer patients.
A Robot Will Make Your Cheeseburger
Automation by robots will become a big factor in the future as the cost of robotics comes down and the sophistication of their capabilities rise. Many careers will be replaced in this automated future. According to the Yum Brands CEO, most fast food jobs will be automated in ten years time.