Karl Frankowski photographed Fox News approximately once per minute over the course of 24 hours.
From Aza Raskin’s lecture at the #MozNewsLab on Monday, we learned that
“The real problem is that we don’t understand the problem.”
This sent me into a tizzy – a mental topspin of wondering which problem I’m really seeking to address for the scope of this 4-week class. I felt like Woody Allen, paranoid and self-conscious, attempting to figure out which problem was in fact the real one.
First I asked myself: “Is the topic of this post the right question I need to be asking? What does it mean to make news cool?”
I took a long, slow, sip of my coffee and decided to break it down into baby steps.
Firstly, I thought about what I know.
1. People care about the issues that most closely affect them.
2. They like to share their revelations.
3. There’s never been more news content available to us.
Then I let it simmer.
Yet after banging my head against the wall for a few days, I still didn’t have an idea of where to go.
But what I did have was more questions.
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