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How to Keep Yourself Accountable as a Freelancer

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Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels

Guest post by Michelle Laurey

Around all employees will be spending at least some of their time working remotely as of this year. The rise of cloud computing, mobile software, and other essential tools means that it’s easier than ever for people from all backgrounds to work away from the office.

The more time you spend out of the typical nine-to-five work life, the more you may decide that you want to go remote full-time.

Perhaps you even want to run your own freelance business?

Freelancing can be an excellent way to follow your dreams with your career and build a job around your passion.

You could freelance as a writer, offering reviews and insights into the latest music on the market. You could pursue your skills as a graphic artist, teacher, or translator.

The only issue?

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Can Machine Learning Save the World From Climate Change? 

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Image via Pixabay

 Guest post by Beth Coleman

A recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reveals that global temperatures are likely to rise by 1.5°C by the year 2030 — which means that humans have just 12 years left to stop global warming. The alarming report also shows that human activities have caused approximately 1.0°C of global warming over the years, leading to a rise in the number of hot days, with the highest increase felt in the tropics. With this, risks of droughts, tropical cyclones, and heavy precipitation are also predicted to increase.

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The Influencer Starter Kit: 10 Tools And Strategies Every Digital Nomad Should Know

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Photo: Rawpixel via Pixabay

We all admire those amazing Instagram accounts and travel blogs with gorgeous images from exotic locations scattered across the world. But how do they do it? How do they earn money while enjoying the adventure of a lifetime?

As it turns out, there’s a lot of work behind those perfect pictures. It takes organization, determination, and a lot of courage to be a digital nomad and influencer on social media! 

If you are determined to try it, we’ve created a list of our top tools and resources to help you deal with the most challenging tasks you’ll encounter along the way. 

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Unleashing the Bounds of Creativity: How Technology is Changing Art

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Guest post by Lucy Wyndham

Science is the seeking of knowledge through facts and unbiased opinions, while art is the application of human creativity and imagination. These two factions are complete opposites that very rarely go hand in hand. Now, modern art is changing that.

Artists are combining the pursuit of science and technology with the expression of creativity to generate art that we have never seen before. Technology is revolutionizing the tools artists can use to create works of art, it’s changing the blank canvas they use to portray their vision, and it’s transforming the way we view, produce, and distribute art.

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Guest post by Lucy Wyndham

For one reason or another, Americans are leaving the United States and becoming expatriates at increasing rates. As many as 6.8 million Americans live abroad according to some estimates, though the number is impossible to know for certain. There are plenty of driving forces here with reasons for moving to another country, but one of the most dominant reasons is for education and careers. But as we see technology revolutionize every facet of our lives, the job market is one of the places seeing the most effects.


Why the Cookie Cutter Approach Won’t Help You Ace That Online Interview

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Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Guest post by Lucy Wyndham

Welcome to the age of the millennials where remote work reigns supreme and the chances of meeting your boss are quite minimal. In fact, studies reveal that around 70% of people across the world work remotely at least once a week. For years, schools and employment agencies have been prepping would-be job seekers on how to ace their interview. But here’s the sticky bit, an online interview is nothing like that and knowing what to expect lies at the heart of being successful.

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How Smart Technology Is Changing the Way We Buy Homes

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Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Guest post by Lucy Wyndham

For most people, buying a house is the most important investment they’ll ever make, which is why the process is a little bit long and complicated. Buyers take an average of 4.3 months to search for their new home, while millennials take just under four months, and silent generation buyers take 5.6 months. This process is beginning to change, however, with the introduction of smart technologies. While we know and understand just how smart technology is infiltrating our homes and everyday lives, it’s important to understand how it is impacting the home buying process.

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Smart Home Technology Of The Future

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Guest post by Lucy Wyndham

Smart home technology has taken America by storm – there are now over 5 million systems installed in houses across the country. Thanks to technology like Alexa and Google Home, we can now control a wide variety of home aspects, from the music that we listen to, to what temperature the thermostat is set at. Where is this tech headed in the future though? And is it truly helping us, or an invasion of privacy?

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How To Organize A Successful Event Over the Internet

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Guest post by Lucy Wyndham

77% of Americans use social media, meaning that almost the entire nation can be reached online. If you are looking to put on a mass event, whether to promote your company or raise charity donations, the internet is a great way to do this. Social media tools can help you to stay organized, while digital marketing can spread your event to potential attendees. Here are the tools you need to launch a successful event and how to use them.

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The Rise of Sleep Technologies

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Photo by Amy Treasure on Unsplash
Photo by Amy Treasure on Unsplash

Guest post by Lucy Wyndham

Studies show that at least 70% of adolescents sleep with at least two electronic items in their bedroom, which is associated with short weekday sleep duration and wake lag on the weekend. The use of screens before bed keeps the mind active by stimulating electrical activity in the brain. Performing physical tasks such as sending texts also tightens the muscles and releases the hormone cortisol, which further prevents sleep. Finally, exposure to the light from screens inhibits the production of melatonin, which is required to regulate sleep-wake cycles.

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What Is Energy Harvesting, And Why Does It Matter More Than Ever?

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Photo by Kai Gradert on Unsplash
Photo by Kai Gradert on Unsplash

In the 21st century, approximately 80 percent of the world relies on fossil fuels to run its cars, factories, schools and homes. With such a heavy reliance on a finite resource, scientists and engineers are searching for alternatives. Energy harvesting – or scavenging – is a cutting-edge method that has the potential to provide clean and unlimited power worldwide.

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Why Train Stations Are A Great Place For An AI Party

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 Delhi Metro
The Delhi Metro is a metro system serving Delhi and its satellite cities of Faridabad, Gurgaon, Noida and Ghaziabad in the National Capital Region of India.

Artificial Intelligence now exists in more than 80% of the digital interactions we have. With almost all progress in science, business and even academia now being tied to the digital evolution, AI is pervading our lives like never before.  One example of a place in which AI is making a big difference is at the humble train station, somewhere that perhaps we would not initially see as a hotbed of AI digital innovation.

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How to Up Your Freelancing Game

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Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Being a freelancer can be very rewarding work with a lot of benefits. You can sleep in, you can pick your clients and you’re your own boss. However, it can also be hard work and it takes a special level of dedication and commitment. Here are some ways you can maximise your chances of success as a freelancer, no matter the industry.

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3 Of The Best 360 VR Cameras Out Now

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As if the Virtual Reality world wasn’t offering enough already, it’s been a little over a year since you can also document your life in VR!

Thanks to advanced technology, these considerably new cameras allow you to capture every moment of your life in a 3k or 4k video that you can re-watch on your VR headset. This includes cardboards for Android and iPhone, or more sophisticated devices like HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR.

Read More »3 Of The Best 360 VR Cameras Out Now

The 5 Best Books on Artificial Intelligence

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AI Photo by William Bout on Unsplash
Photo by William Bout on Unsplash

The Roots of AI

Thinking Machines: The Quest for Artificial Intelligence—and Where It’s Taking Us Next
Luke Dormehl

This is a factual history of the beginnings of AI, and it’s written by a non-scientist, making it easier to read than more technical books on the subject. Dormehl, a science journalist, gives an overview of the advent of machine learning and problem-solving. He also shines a spotlight on opposing viewpoints. On one hand, true AI could mean the end of mankind. On the other, humanity could experience something akin to paradise once self-aware AI emerges.
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The Experience Economy, Explained

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Photo by Vincentiu Solomon on Unsplash

To understand the experience economy, it is important to first understand how it relates to previous economies.

This can perhaps be exemplified by the evolution of birthday cake. In an agrarian economy, birthday cakes were made from scratch using individual and locally-sourced ingredients. In this economy, ingredients cost mere pennies, with a completed cake costing perhaps a dollar or less. It was the ultimate DIY economy.

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The Importance Of Protecting Seniors From Financial Scams

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Photo by on Unsplash

For the average American household, the debt to income ratio is dire. Small wonder then that an almost national desire to become debt-free has presented itself as something of a boon for fraudsters and financial scammers. No one is exempt from money swindlers but worryingly, seniors are often the main targets.  More than one in three elderly people over 85 experience some degree of dementia, making this age group particularly attractive to scammers.

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