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How to Keep Yourself Accountable as a Freelancer

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Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels

Guest post by Michelle Laurey

Around all employees will be spending at least some of their time working remotely as of this year. The rise of cloud computing, mobile software, and other essential tools means that it’s easier than ever for people from all backgrounds to work away from the office.

The more time you spend out of the typical nine-to-five work life, the more you may decide that you want to go remote full-time.

Perhaps you even want to run your own freelance business?

Freelancing can be an excellent way to follow your dreams with your career and build a job around your passion.

You could freelance as a writer, offering reviews and insights into the latest music on the market. You could pursue your skills as a graphic artist, teacher, or translator.

The only issue?

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The Influencer Starter Kit: 10 Tools And Strategies Every Digital Nomad Should Know

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Photo: Rawpixel via Pixabay

We all admire those amazing Instagram accounts and travel blogs with gorgeous images from exotic locations scattered across the world. But how do they do it? How do they earn money while enjoying the adventure of a lifetime?

As it turns out, there’s a lot of work behind those perfect pictures. It takes organization, determination, and a lot of courage to be a digital nomad and influencer on social media! 

If you are determined to try it, we’ve created a list of our top tools and resources to help you deal with the most challenging tasks you’ll encounter along the way. 

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How The Power Of Technology Is Making Work More Mobile

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Working remotely
Photo: Pexels

Guest post by Lucy Wyndham


In the past, work was something that could usually only be done in a certain defined location, such as a factory or an office. But with almost four million Americans now believed to be remote workers at least some of the time, it’s clear that this is changing. Now, it’s possible to pick up work wherever you are and complete it from a sometimes distant location, without hurting company bottom lines or becoming unproductive. This article will explore the exciting new world of work – and how technology is powering it forwards.

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Guest post by Lucy Wyndham

For one reason or another, Americans are leaving the United States and becoming expatriates at increasing rates. As many as 6.8 million Americans live abroad according to some estimates, though the number is impossible to know for certain. There are plenty of driving forces here with reasons for moving to another country, but one of the most dominant reasons is for education and careers. But as we see technology revolutionize every facet of our lives, the job market is one of the places seeing the most effects.


How YouTubers are Changing the Job Market

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Guest post by Lucy Wyndham

The Internet is revolutionizing the way that we do business in multiple sectors, but few markets have been affected as much as the entertainment industry. The rise of online streaming services has increased the number of cord cutters who are choosing to abandon traditional cable in favor of online content. YouTube was one of the earliest hosting and streaming services available to the general public, launching in 2005 and quickly gained popularity among Internet users. Now, more than 50 million YouTubers create content ranging from amateur instructional videos to professionally crafted animations. Here are some of the ways that the rise of the YouTube age is helping lead to a healthier job market for video editors who are hoping to make it in the entertainment industry.

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How to Up Your Freelancing Game

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Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Being a freelancer can be very rewarding work with a lot of benefits. You can sleep in, you can pick your clients and you’re your own boss. However, it can also be hard work and it takes a special level of dedication and commitment. Here are some ways you can maximise your chances of success as a freelancer, no matter the industry.

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Finding Quality and Affordable Health Care Services as a Freelancer

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Source: pixabay

Guest post by Lucy Wyndham

While becoming a full-time freelancer is an exciting milestone in an individual’s career, this achievement does not come without challenges. In addition to having an inconsistent income and client acquisition, the top concern of freelancers (as reported by is health care. Since freelancers work on contracts, there is no opportunity to sign up for employer-issued health benefits. This can cause an especially stressful situation for new freelancers who may not yet be making their goal income.

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The Rise of the Digital Nomads

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Photo by bruce mars from Pexels

Guest post by Lucy Wyndham

An estimated 50% of workers in the US will transform into remote workers by the year 2020, based on a report by MarketWatch. The entire concept of the digital nomad has completely enraptured an entire generation of new workers and even caught the attention of those who have invested decades into the workforce. With various helpful tools and the right opportunity, any worker can carve off their slice of borderless working conditions. Still, he life of a digital nomad carries experiences that are both sour and sweet.

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4 Essential Hacks For An Affordable Work-Travel Lifestyle

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Photo by Florian Wehde on Unsplash

By freelance writer/contributor Lucy Wyndham

If you are able to work from home, you can work from anywhere in the world. Of course, there are a few exceptions. But, for the most part, you are blessed with the skills and the type of lifestyle that allows you to travel and work. The term for this is “digital nomad,” and there are a few hacks that can make this lifestyle more financially comfortable for you.

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3 Downsides of Working from Home – And How To Overcome Them

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Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

By freelance writer/contributor Lucy Wyndham

Being able to work from home is an incredible freedom. While most of the working world is required to face rush hour traffic, show up at a physical place of employment, and adhere to a specific dress code, those who work from home have the privilege of avoiding these burdens. Pajamas can serve as acceptable work attire. Any part of your home can be your “office.” And your work day is largely controlled by you. However, as one might expect, benefits like these don’t come without some kind of downside.

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Why Repealing Affordable Health Care Will Hurt The Freelance Economy

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Photo: Aaron Thomas via Unsplash
Photo: Aaron Thomas via Unsplash

The Affordable Care Act has made health insurance accessible for millions of freelance workers, a number that is expected to account for 40% of the workforce by 2020. For various reasons self-employment is also increasingly popular amongst millennials, with nearly 40% of the millennial workforce already describing themselves as self-employed. To put things into perspective, that is 60 million Americans, and the numbers are on the rise.

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Going Freelance – 5 Tips For Entering The Freelance Economy

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5 tips for entering the freelance economy
Photo Source: Kaboom Pics

A few weeks back I gave a talk at The Alley about my experience in joining the freelance economy. The evening was filled with personal stories and powerful tips for getting started. I learned a lot from the other presenters and had a great time sharing my experience so far. Below are key takeaways from that talk.

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