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The Influencer Starter Kit: 10 Tools And Strategies Every Digital Nomad Should Know

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Photo: Rawpixel via Pixabay

We all admire those amazing Instagram accounts and travel blogs with gorgeous images from exotic locations scattered across the world. But how do they do it? How do they earn money while enjoying the adventure of a lifetime?

As it turns out, there’s a lot of work behind those perfect pictures. It takes organization, determination, and a lot of courage to be a digital nomad and influencer on social media! 

If you are determined to try it, we’ve created a list of our top tools and resources to help you deal with the most challenging tasks you’ll encounter along the way. 

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How The Power Of Technology Is Making Work More Mobile

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Working remotely
Photo: Pexels

Guest post by Lucy Wyndham


In the past, work was something that could usually only be done in a certain defined location, such as a factory or an office. But with almost four million Americans now believed to be remote workers at least some of the time, it’s clear that this is changing. Now, it’s possible to pick up work wherever you are and complete it from a sometimes distant location, without hurting company bottom lines or becoming unproductive. This article will explore the exciting new world of work – and how technology is powering it forwards.

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Unleashing the Bounds of Creativity: How Technology is Changing Art

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Guest post by Lucy Wyndham

Science is the seeking of knowledge through facts and unbiased opinions, while art is the application of human creativity and imagination. These two factions are complete opposites that very rarely go hand in hand. Now, modern art is changing that.

Artists are combining the pursuit of science and technology with the expression of creativity to generate art that we have never seen before. Technology is revolutionizing the tools artists can use to create works of art, it’s changing the blank canvas they use to portray their vision, and it’s transforming the way we view, produce, and distribute art.

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The Rise of the Digital Nomads

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Photo by bruce mars from Pexels

Guest post by Lucy Wyndham

An estimated 50% of workers in the US will transform into remote workers by the year 2020, based on a report by MarketWatch. The entire concept of the digital nomad has completely enraptured an entire generation of new workers and even caught the attention of those who have invested decades into the workforce. With various helpful tools and the right opportunity, any worker can carve off their slice of borderless working conditions. Still, he life of a digital nomad carries experiences that are both sour and sweet.

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Data is the new Journal. (2 of 2)

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Social sharing sites like Facebook and Google+ are great for countless reasons. The discovery factor is amplified and quick. We have the ability to catch up and communicate with people easily and on-the-go.

Our social networks, paired alongside various algorithms, place everything in somewhat omnidirectional proportion to our personal interests. Some folks watch the stream of information passively while others can’t help but participate. Frequently. Like a habit that’s hard to break. But habits are usually created because there’s some sort of personal payoff involved. What’s in it here?

Do we participate out of boredom? For entertainment? Documentation? Self-declaration? All of the above?

Read More »Data is the new Journal. (2 of 2)