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The Battle Of Brand Awareness & Performance Marketing

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Photo by James Pond on Unsplash

One of the most valuable and satisfying experiences a performance marketer can have in their career is scaling a growth operation from scratch. At Matrix, we went from spending $0 to a number that represented positive, baseline growth for PowerWatch. As head of marketing, I can attest to how rewarding that experience was and how important the phase was in building foundational growth for our company.

There are all kinds of shortcuts on the road to growth. Shortcuts are by no means fatal, but they do step around the critical early stages where investment in performance marketing is key.

Companies will outsource marketing to an agency, or buy cheap traffic from non-core markets to prove out vanity metrics. They’ll hire a brand-focused CMO to build out a massive marketing team – and discount performance marketing completely. Again, these things aren’t fatal, but long-term growth ultimately means investing in a combination of areas that function together in order to scale a product to its maximum potential.

The growth trajectory for a startup typically looks something like this:

Over time, it looks more like this:

In the beginning, performance marketing acts as a flywheel to push the business from one stage to the next. Later, brand marketing comes in to serve the goals of the company as it begins to grow and mature. (for example, when LTV becomes equally important as conversion.)

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6 Simple Growth Hacks to Explode Your Amazon FBA Sales

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Whether you’re a new or an experienced seller on Amazon, your goal is to make more money and run your business more efficiently.

Enter the concept of “Growth Hacking.” The term was minted by entrepreneur Sean Ellis to describe the sustainable growth approach used by hyper-growth companies like Airbnb, Amazon, and Slack.

Growth hacking is a process of analyzation, rapid trial and error, and product development to identify the most efficient ways to grow a business.

We’ve compiled 6 growth-hacking strategies that can be implemented into your business model quickly. These ideas are designed to grow sales, expand branding, and give you a hand up over competitors.

Read More »6 Simple Growth Hacks to Explode Your Amazon FBA Sales

Goal Setting – Designing A Life Plan In 2017

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Photo: David Schap via Unsplash

One year ago I hired the talented Harper Spero to help me find the time to complete a creative project. My life was action-packed and I needed to figure out how to make quality time and space for my craft in order to ultimately reach my writing goals for the year.

What Harper helped me to understand was that it was everything around the project that needed to shift first. This shift was necessary to bring my best self to the table as a creative professional and burgeoning business owner.

Let me explain.

The process began by optimizing first for health. Getting the proper nutrition, the right amount of sleep, and regular exercise were key to functioning at a high level.

After that, I needed a support system in place. It was critical to surround myself with a steady stream of quality individuals and communities.

After that, I needed to make sure that all of my work — creative and otherwise — had meaning.

Read More »Goal Setting – Designing A Life Plan In 2017