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Unleashing the Bounds of Creativity: How Technology is Changing Art

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Guest post by Lucy Wyndham

Science is the seeking of knowledge through facts and unbiased opinions, while art is the application of human creativity and imagination. These two factions are complete opposites that very rarely go hand in hand. Now, modern art is changing that.

Artists are combining the pursuit of science and technology with the expression of creativity to generate art that we have never seen before. Technology is revolutionizing the tools artists can use to create works of art, it’s changing the blank canvas they use to portray their vision, and it’s transforming the way we view, produce, and distribute art.

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3 Of The Best 360 VR Cameras Out Now

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As if the Virtual Reality world wasn’t offering enough already, it’s been a little over a year since you can also document your life in VR!

Thanks to advanced technology, these considerably new cameras allow you to capture every moment of your life in a 3k or 4k video that you can re-watch on your VR headset. This includes cardboards for Android and iPhone, or more sophisticated devices like HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR.

Read More »3 Of The Best 360 VR Cameras Out Now