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Unleashing the Bounds of Creativity: How Technology is Changing Art

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Guest post by Lucy Wyndham

Science is the seeking of knowledge through facts and unbiased opinions, while art is the application of human creativity and imagination. These two factions are complete opposites that very rarely go hand in hand. Now, modern art is changing that.

Artists are combining the pursuit of science and technology with the expression of creativity to generate art that we have never seen before. Technology is revolutionizing the tools artists can use to create works of art, it’s changing the blank canvas they use to portray their vision, and it’s transforming the way we view, produce, and distribute art.

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The Rise of Sleep Technologies

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Photo by Amy Treasure on Unsplash

Photo by Amy Treasure on Unsplash

Guest post by Lucy Wyndham

Studies show that at least 70% of adolescents sleep with at least two electronic items in their bedroom, which is associated with short weekday sleep duration and wake lag on the weekend. The use of screens before bed keeps the mind active by stimulating electrical activity in the brain. Performing physical tasks such as sending texts also tightens the muscles and releases the hormone cortisol, which further prevents sleep. Finally, exposure to the light from screens inhibits the production of melatonin, which is required to regulate sleep-wake cycles.

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Thoughts on Geolocation, Privacy, And The Advancement Of Technology

Apple and Google are both being sued under the recent discovery that the iPhone and Android smartphones track users wherever they go. 

Apple stated that they have never tracked users’ locations, but admitted to a bug that inherently collects user data by logging a complete history of travels by way of timestamped latitude and longitude. This week, they announced a software update that prevents the iPhone and iPad from storing these movements.

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