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The Influencer Starter Kit: 10 Tools And Strategies Every Digital Nomad Should Know

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Photo: Rawpixel via Pixabay

We all admire those amazing Instagram accounts and travel blogs with gorgeous images from exotic locations scattered across the world. But how do they do it? How do they earn money while enjoying the adventure of a lifetime?

As it turns out, there’s a lot of work behind those perfect pictures. It takes organization, determination, and a lot of courage to be a digital nomad and influencer on social media! 

If you are determined to try it, we’ve created a list of our top tools and resources to help you deal with the most challenging tasks you’ll encounter along the way. 

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Environmental Biohacking & Rumbling With The Unknown

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Sunset at Big Sur taken during week 4 of my bio-hacking experiment
Big Sur, CA – Taken during Week 4 of my experiment.

The following is based on a talk I gave a few weeks back at Twitch HQ for Women’s Catalyst Lightening Talks.

At the end of September I deliberately kicked myself out of my studio apartment.

I sublet to a friend for two months and hit the road.

Now, I didn’t go very far. I drove around California in my trusty Prius C – living with friends, crashing on couches, spending time in nature.

I did this because I needed to get uncomfortable.

Because I believe that curiosity is greater than comfort.

[ Curiosity Zone > Comfort Zone ] *

I didn’t always believe this.

Read More »Environmental Biohacking & Rumbling With The Unknown