As if the Virtual Reality world wasn’t offering enough already, it’s been a little over a year since you can also document your life in VR!
Thanks to advanced technology, these considerably new cameras allow you to capture every moment of your life in a 3k or 4k video that you can re-watch on your VR headset. This includes cardboards for Android and iPhone, or more sophisticated devices like HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR.
About the Author: Salah Stevens is a licensed attorney focusing on cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology. As a fan of innovation, Stevens is a fierce proponent of the changes that are happening with Bitcoin, Etherium, and Litecoin, believing strongly in the worldwide improvements that the blockchain technology can bring. For more:
A Great Time to be Alive
If someone were to go back to the 1900s when things like smartphones, computers, and artificial intelligence were incomprehensible technologies, they would witness a completely different way of life. After all, functioning elevators were once considered to be advanced. Now, people find even advanced products like drones on their way to becoming an everyday item. Improvements are being made daily and life-changing innovations occur more rapidly.
What are some of the ways that technology might alter our lives in another twenty years?
“Just so I understand this correctly, it’s possible to experience death in virtual reality. To experience what it’s actually like to die, in the brutalist of ways even. And as our senses develop — touch, smell, things like that — this experience is only going to get more realistic.”
The woman nodded in response. We were sitting across from each other in a large yurt that overlooked the Pacific Ocean, the door flap of the enormous tent making a gentle slapping sound in the wind as six of us sat cross-legged in a circle well past midnight.